Here at Queen Anne Baptist Church, we encourage you to give cheerfully from your heart and not out of obligation, compulsion, or shame. We give to participate in God’s work in the world -- to help folks in need, to challenge systems and structures that create need, and to ensure that our ministry programs continue. We thank you in advance for your faithfulness and generosity. Together, may we be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in the world as we build community, engage in justice work, and provide transformative messages of hope, reconciliation, and love!
Your donation is tax-deductible. |
2011 1st Avenue N. Seattle, WA 98109 |
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Please indicate how you would like to designate your funds in "what's this for" (Ministries of QABC, New Horizons Youth Shelter, Benevolence/Outreach, Fellowship, or Boiler Project Fund).
Use the drop-down menu to choose where to designate your funds, or simply give to support our ministries. You may also set this up as a recurring donation. Debit and credit cards accepted. You do not have to create a PayPal account.